Eye Care Advice

Yo! My name is Andy and this is my eye care blog. Your eyes are so important but it can be easy to take them for granted. I know that I didn't think twice about my eyes until I started to have problems with my vision. I kept getting headaches and I had trouble focusing on things. I went to see my doctor who referred me to an optometrist. The eye specialist did some tests and asked me some questions. He then said that my regular use of screens was straining my eyes. Since following the advice given to me, my eyes have been much healthier.

Don't Dismiss These Signs That You Might Need to See an Optometrist


Seeing an optometrist can be needed for more than just getting new prescription glasses; an eye doctor will check the health of your eyes, and note developing cataracts, glaucoma, and other serious eye conditions. Early treatment of these and other eye diseases, like so many other health concerns, might increase your risk of reducing damage to your eyes. Of course, getting new glasses can also be a very good reason to visit an optometrist! While only your doctor can tell you how often you might need to see an optometrist or note if you have special risks when it comes to the health of your eyes, consider a few signs that you might need to visit an eye doctor as soon as possible.

Older glasses

Don't assume that glasses or other corrective lenses will last for the rest of your life, as the lenses and frames of glasses can easily become damaged over time. If your glasses are crooked because the frames are bent, you may not be able to focus clearly, and this can cause eye fatigue. If you notice what looks like the glass itself is peeling, this might indicate that the plastic coating on the glasses is falling away. This peeling can get in the way of your vision, and may increase the risk of the glass outright breaking. Whatever their condition, if your glasses are old and damaged in any way, it's time to see an optometrist.

Risks to eyesight

Your eyesight might change and get worse due to age alone, but senior citizens are not the only ones who might experience changes in their eyesight over time. Getting a new electronic device that you focus on for hours every day may affect your vision. Harsh sunlight can damage the eyes, as can working in dusty and dirty environments. Long-term exposure to certain chemicals might also cause damage to the eyes. If you have any of these risks to your eyesight, visit an optometrist for an exam, and be sure you follow their recommendations for regular exams as well.

Circulatory problems

The eyes need healthy blood circulation in order to repair themselves and stay healthy. If you have poor blood circulation for any reason, this can then affect your overall eye health. Ask your doctor if your low blood pressure, diabetes, or other circulatory problems would warrant a trip to the optometrist, or err on the side of caution and make an appointment for an exam if you know you have poor blood circulation.


23 February 2018